ИИСТ / English
1. The professional approach
The principles of our professional approach are based on the concept of family systems therapy. We view the problems of an individual as not only the result of inner individual problems but as the result of inter-family interactions and family history. Thus it is the entire system, be it the family or any other organization, which becomes the subject of professional help. Because of this, one of the goals of our educational classes is the forming of system-based world views of the specialists who works with families.
2. Preparing well-rounded practicing specialists
We believe that a practicing specialist must be able to work with any family that he/she encounters. A specialist must be able to work with families to prevent any future conflict as well as being able to help those who are already in a state of crisis. To accomplish the latter two, a specialist must be able to work with a wide array of methods and techniques that would allow him/her to provide a personal approach for every specific family. Our program entails all the valuable and useful knowledge that has been acquired in the field of psychotherapy. In the process of the course the students do not merely focus on the family systems approach but also have the chance to explore the numerous other fields of psychotherapy.
3. The forming of a professional community
We believe that it is important to form a professional community of specialists who work with families. This community should be composed of professionals who come from different backgrounds such as medicine, psychology or education and who are all able to effectively communicate to solve the problems at hand. Working in our small teams facilitates the integration of different views, opinions and working styles, promotes the expansion of one’s worldview and the forming of a constructive atmosphere amongst family consultants and therapists.
At our institute we respect all the fields of psychotherapy and consulting. In this manner we allow for our specialists and students to constantly increase their professional prowess through trainings and seminars that are led by the world’s leading specialists in our field.
4. Regional development
Our educational programs in the field of family therapy, in the systematic family approach and other thematic seminars are sought-after in many regions of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States.
We are interested in providing the momentum for the development of the family systems approach and other family therapy. We thus aim to promote the independent growth of specialists from around the world while providing them with the latest advancements in the field.
5. Practical psychological help
Anyone can require the assistance of professional psychologists. Be it an individual, a family or an organization, they may all become our clients. The difference with the systems approach is that it does not only focus on the patient who is the carrier of the symptoms, but takes into account the entire system. However, the systems approach does not require that the entire system, in this case the family, must be present at every visit. We encourage the entire family to be present at the first session to increase the accuracy of the diagnosis and to commit each member to solving the problem at hand. The following sessions are attended by those individuals who are crucial for solving the current stage of the problem.
When working with children we assume that we cannot accurately evaluate the psychological state of the child outside of the family context. In the same manner, when providing preventative consulting or solving a crisis, we use the family system to provide the thorough help that is necessary.
6. Methods
Today, the systems approach is one of the most promising and economically feasible branches of psychotherapy. This is due to a wide applicability, a lack of side effects and fast, long-lasting, results.
A professional systems world-view means that at any consultation (individual, family or group) our specialists analyze the personality of the client and of his/her closest surroundings as well as the interactions of the different elements of their system.
7. Form and content
A crucial component of the organizational side of the approach is the thought-through and smooth transition amongst the different stages of therapy. It begins with the secretary which is then followed by a differentiated choice of the ideal consultant for the specific family. During the first session the specialist choses a specific approach that will be implemented throughout the following visits of the patient. Thanks to the professional communication with other colleagues and a thorough knowledge of the possible alternatives at hand, the specialist is able to provide the most time and result efficient method of help to each family.
We enable our clients to look onto their family through the eyes of its other members as well as through the eyes of a neutral party. Due to this fact, the client is able to carefully analyze his/her past experiences, see the easiest route to solving the problem and fully use the resources provided by the other members of the system.
How does it happen?
- We ask questions about the goals and obstacles, the past and the future, the character and goals of the intended changes.
- We systematically observe the interactions within the family, noting the systems, subsystems and their inner interactions.
- We model new ways of behavior within the different elements of the system and more improved methods of communication.
- We aid in re-establishing the proper hierarchy and order within the system. In a family this entails an advantage of the elders over the younger members of the family. In an organization this is the respect that is given to the more qualified workers and to those that are of more value to the firm.
- We value each member of the consulting process. Every member of the system is important and everyone is supposed to feel comfortable during the session regardless of sex or age.
- We believe that family therapy is largely about promoting love and balance and the consultation of an organization centers around balance and respect.
8. The ecological approach
For us, it is no surprise that if one member of a system partakes in therapy, the other members are affected by it as well. However, we are increasingly alarmed by the amount of clients (patients) who seek our help after facing the damaging power of therapy sessions. One must never forget that psychotherapy must never harm a patient.
9. The Team
We have undying respect for our teachers: Tobias von der Recke, Dr. Victoria Cherni, Bert Hellinger, Margret Bardt, Marianne Franke-Griksch, Professor Franz Ruppert, Professor Lakosinskiy, Dr. Shpreher and Dr. Varge.
We are thankful to the administration of the N.6 Children’s Psychiatric Hospital of Moscow and personally to Dr. Kozhevnikova for the opportunity to use the hospital as the base of our medical and educational practice.
We have deep respect for the our first specialists, Chekaberiya, Dianova, Zenger and Voloshuk together with whom we developed many of the components of the educational program and the new methods of practice.
We respect and take care of our guests, be it our patients, students or guest professors from the country and abroad.
It is in our rules to constantly improve our qualification and to share the acquired knowledge with each other.
We enjoy working together.
We like the fact that our kids are friends.